Sunday, September 20, 2009

Don't listen to me

[Please see my original post here.]

You guys, I'm one of those people. I spend too much time studying and I'm not sleeping and I meet with the professors after class and during office hours and while you're in the cafeteria I'm sitting in the library eating a protein bar and going over my notes. I'm updating my facebook status at 2 am to say "up again. Guess I'll attack some CivPro." But, you guys, I'm up at 2 am reading but I GO TO BED AT SEVEN-THIRTY.

Just ignore me.

I'm the example of why you shouldn't be concerned about what your classmates are doing. I don't have this law school business figured out any more than you do. I'm overworking myself because I'm insecure; I feel like I'm completely out of my element and I don't know what else to do. See Laura v. Law School. Hey, I think I'm a fairly smart person. But there's nothing like law school to make a smart person feel stupid. See, e.g., L. McWilliams v. Contracts. ( Anyone else?)

Please no comments about how I'm wasting my time. I get it. I'm a fairly smart person (supra).

Note: even smart people can't figure out how to correctly bluebook-cite. See, e.g., Don't Listen to me.


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